Press Release

High Energy Demand to Boost the Global BIPV Market

The global building integrated photovoltaics market is estimated to progress at a CAGR of 17.31% during the forecast period 2023-2030.

Triton Market Research presents the Global Building Integrated Photovoltaics Market report segmented by Application (Glazing, Roofing, Architectural Shading, Facades), Technology (Thin Film, Crystalline Silicon [Polycrystalline, Monocrystalline], Other Technologies), Industry Vertical (Commercial, Industrial, Residential), and Regional Outlook (, North America, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa, Europe, Latin America).

The report further includes the Market Summary, Industry Outlook, Parent Market Analysis, Impact Analysis, Key Insights, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, Market Maturity Analysis, Industry Components, Regulatory Framework, Key Buying Analysis, Key Market Strategies, Drivers, Challenge, Opportunities, Analyst Perspective, Competitive Landscape, Research Methodology & Scope, Global Market Size, Forecasts & Analysis (2023-2030).

According to Triton’s research report, the global building integrated photovoltaics market is estimated to progress at a CAGR of 17.31% during the forecast period 2023-2030.

Building integrated photovoltaic products are used to replace conventional building materials in the components of a building envelope like roof tiles, curtain walls, windows, etc.

As per the International Energy Outlook, the global power demand is expected to soar by around 80% by 2040, requiring trillions of dollars in investment to meet the high demand. Moreover, the world’s net electricity generation will increase significantly in the same year. Access to electricity is vital for operations across industries, especially in developing countries. Hence, the growing energy demand is estimated to create high demand for PVs in buildings for efficient power supply, thereby propelling the BIPV market on a growth path.

However, BIPV technology is at a nascent stage, being highly adopted in developed nations but witnessing a slow glow in emerging economies like India. The lack of awareness about solar power is estimated to hamper the studied market’s growth over the forecast period.

Over the forecast period, the Asia-Pacific is estimated to become the fastest-growing region. China, Japan, and South Korea have recently adopted net-zero emission targets to be attained by 2050. As per industry sources, energy efficiency and decarbonization under sustainable development could help reduce significant emissions from buildings. Moreover, the region is witnessing high population growth, which has elevated the energy demand. Therefore, the growing need to reduce emissions and high energy demand is expected to broaden building integrated photovoltaics market prospects over the forecast period.

The prominent companies thriving in the building integrated photovoltaics market are Tesla Inc, ClearVue Technologies Limited, AGC Inc, SunPower Corporation, Kaneka Corporation, MetSolar, Heliatek, Saule Technologies, Waaree Energies Ltd, and Ertex Solartechnik GmbH.  

Given the technological complexity and high capital requirements, the entry of new entrants is difficult. The materials processing step is technologically exhaustive and thus creates a high barrier for new players. Despite this, several players are entering the market owing to increasing demand and government incentives. However, the growing competition among existing players is expected to lower the threat of new entrants over the forecast period.

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